The Evolutionary Failure that Plagues Mankind!


HumanViolenceFrontCover_jpegPlague of male violence front cover0914778749_frontcover

THE ORIGINS OF HUMAN VIOLENCE / Evolution has failed humanity in one vital way–a factor based on nature’s hit-and-miss method of selecting and arranging the genetic codes that make up the mindset of human beings. Equallty remarkable is the favortism that nature shows to females! This book explains.

WHY IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY AND VIOLENCE PLAGUE MANKIND! The Failure of Rational Thinking and Common Sense! / An expose of the key factors that have made human males the most irrational and destructive species of life on the planet–the id monster. sex. races. colors, creeds. languages, religions, power, and more.

THE PLAGUE OF MALE DOMINANCE – The Cause & the Cure! / This book explains the single factor in the mindset of males that results in their irrational behavior; why male-created God-based religions have failed to curb such behavior; the misunderstanding and misuse of human sexuality; why women are superior to men; the new morality, and more!

Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Asia since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, journalist and editor. He is a graduate of Jōchi University in Tokyo, Japan and Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Arizona, USA. In addition to books on the business practices, social behavior and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico he has written extensively about the plague of male dominance and the moral collapse of the U.S. and the Western world in general.

Recent books include: CHINA Understanding & Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business; JAPAN Understanding & Dealing with the NEW Japanese Way of Doing Business; AMERICA’S FAMOUS HOPI INDIANS; ARIZONA’S LORDS OF THE LAND [the Navajos] and SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY – A Little Language Goes a Long Way! To see a full list of his 70-plus books go to: All of his titles are available from

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